Digital Strategy

Digital Strategy Matters

Digital Strategy – Larry Cummings – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Digital Strategy is about why we share

The phrase the former audience, coined by Dan Gilmour in his article, We The Media, describes how journalism has changed because of digital media, it applies to all digital products. The former audience is the audience that is no longer passively consuming your products, but is actively engaged in improving your product. This is because the audience is using an interactive medium that provides them access to something you’ve made available to them for their use. You are not distributing a product that they use in a way you completely control.

Further with digital products actively interacting with other digital products is critical. Digital products, great digital products, imbue sharing and interactivity. They are the context for a conversation between people within your organization, and outside of your organization. The people who use your digital products feel they have a voice in how your brand should interact with them. Your digital products very existence gives your audiences the authority to use that voice.

Digital Strategy is an extension of you brand strategy

People that use your digital products judge your entire brand on how each interaction fulfills your brand promise. Digital products are designed to be used in unexpected ways. When people interact with your digital brand, they often uncover new ways that your brand can fulfill it’s promise. Even the best digital products don’t completely fulfill every aspect of your brand promise. That’s why digital strategy is so important. It provides a context within which you can translate your brand promise into the digital space. Creating, maintaining and using a digital strategy matters because it communicates that your organization recognizes that:

  • Digital is different and we get it. Interactive media has unique social, legal, architectural and market based ‘norms’ that are not defined solely within your organization.
  • We think sharing is good, it’s even great. You trust your audience enough to give them something to share. Your digital products create the rules for an acceptable way everyone can share.
  • We’re fulfilling our brand promise with you, not at you. Digital products let every person that chooses to use them to actively take part in your mission.
  • Digital is built into your organization, not bolted on. Conversation, collaboration even just sharing comments is a foundational part of your organization.